love is zesty zany insanity eh?

Numbuh 2 is possibly "a ladies' man"


Numbuh 2 Couples

!WARNING! The following content on this page are opinions only. We understand everybody has different opinions and/or views on KND couples, so we've decided to be as objective as possible (not!)Haha... Anyway, read on to find out more of what we think.


(from Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R.)
4: "What's more horrible than worse?"
2: Lizzie

Okay, really, why anyone would take this couple seriously is beyond me. There's no proof whatsoever for this couple. And why would Numbuh 2 want to date his leader's girlfriend? To get a promotion? XD Seriously, though, there just ain't much proof. Well, we'll try. Let's look at compatibility issues: Well, Lizzie is a girlie girl, into fashion, hair, make-up, romance, etc. Numbuh 2 is a guy's guy, I'm guessing (I try to avoid clichés and labels as much as possible, but oh well, what are you going to do about it?) Numbuh 2 likes airplanes, adventure, the sky, flying—I'm guessing if Lizzie was his girlfriend/wife she would be less than enthusiastic in joining her husband/boyfriend's aerial adventures. That's not to say, however, that Lizzie doesn't have an adventuresome side: just look at Operation POOL and LEADER. But she's too into her Nigel to even notice another boy, so...I tried. Really. BUT.... there's got to be at least one 2/Lizzie fan out there—so this is for you:


In Operation: LIZZIE could Hoagie have really been jealous this whole time of Nigel when he and Wally kept teasing him? It's something to think about. -



Overall, kinda scary, but still has potential. Numbuh 86 would wear the pants in the relationship, though. Numbuh 2 is scared sh*tless of her, as any guy should be: the lass is bitter! Scary indeed. But she would probably enjoy going on his aerial adventures with him (as long as SHE controlled the plane). Other than that, very blah couple.


  • Operation: PINKEYE- their faces were so close together I was just waiting for him to grab her in his arms and give her a big KISS on the lips! I guess I, too, have been watching too much film noir.

Kinda cute, right?

(Operation: CAMP)
2 & 3: "We're his new parents!"

Overview (from Schlep): Out of all the friendships in Sector V, 2 and 3's friendship seems the most mysterious. 2 seems like the type that can get along with just about anyone, and 3 is no exception, so there's really nothing out of the ordinary I see in their friendship. He hasn't paid her any special attention, doesn't seem to mind that she's into Rainbow Monkeys, and certainly doesn't mind playing "house" with her. Y' know, in Operation: CAMP where he was the Daddy and she was the Mommy? Isn't that playing house? Or do you kids call it something else now? Sure, sometimes he likes to get together with Numbuh 4 and talk about how "girly" she is or how much of a "baby" she is, but he ALSO teases Numbuh 4 about liking her. 'Cause you never know, like my 2/Lizzie proof, Hoagie might be jealous. I doubt it. In conclusion, I can only offer this: . . . . . .wait what was I talking about again?


  • Operation MINI-GOLF: While Numbuh 2 was competing with the Great Kadinsky or whatever that mini-golf nerd's name was, notice Numbuh 3 in the background giving Numbuh 2 her happy dance and cheering: "Go Two!" Kind of sweet :o)
  • Operation THE-FLY: OK, who else thinks it weird that Numbuh 2's room is RIGHT NEXT TO NUMBUH 3's?!?!?!? OK, and Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 3 have at least ONE thing in common: they like to play with flies.
  • Operation CAMP: OK, like I said above, they don't mind playing "house" together. There's no physical proof in this episode, however, because their baby was a skunk. So, no, they didn't procreate in that episode to produce Bradley. No physical contact. Get those filthy thoughts out of ye minds, ye filthy, perverted, stinkin' KND fans! The only physical contact I saw was when Numbuh 2 put his arm around Numbuh 3. But all in all, this episode has shown the most 2/3 proof.
  • Operation FOUNTAIN: Some fans may argue that this is proof, but I don't think so. Numbuh 3 was riding on Numbuh 2's shoulder's during that lactoid tidal wave. It could be coincidence. Hm?
  • Operation: CLUES: OK, Mushi hugged Numbuh 2 like he was her brother-in-law, and Kuki's parents are Japanese. And Kuki's parents having dinner with Hoagie's family. OK, maybe this is a 'secret marriage agreement' kind of dinner/meeting? Maybe they're arranging for Kuki and Hoagie to be married. You know, marriages are planned often when the kids are still young!


Overview: This relationship has potential. The two flirt in their own subtle way, and it's not overdone like 3/4. This is Schmuck's favorite couple, and there has been some new 2/5 fic creeping up on recently. So why has this couple been gaining wide acceptance lately? Well, there are a few theories: people just like this couple because they LIKE IT, or people have been tired of 3/4 and need to turn their attention on a NEW couple. I, for one, think poor Hoagie just needs a little romance, because he's just too cute!
  • Perhaps the earliest proof was in Operation: NO-POWUH, where Numbuh 5 made a remark when Numbuh 2 said: "I'm sending this dish back to the kitchen!" [occured in the end, with Grandma Stuffum about to be catapulted out to the street]
  • Operation PIRATE: Numbuh 2, ever the chivalrous hero, saves Numbuh 5 by swinging down on a rope, ala Tarzan, and saving her! [How come Numbuh 1 or Numbuh 4 didn't do that? Hmmm...?]
  • Operation CAMP: After Numbuh 2 and 3 announced they were Bradley's parents, Numbuh 2 turned to Numbuh 5, and, in a kind of embarrassed sort-of-way, asked: "Umm...Numbuh 5? Numbuh 3 and I were talking and...we want you to be Bradley's godmother." (I'm paraphrasing there!)
  • Operation POP: Numbuh 5 was making fun of Numbuh 2 earlier in this episode, and he seemed a little hurt. So it looked like he was trying to make an impression on her! In the end, he has the villain look for NUMBUH 5.
  • Operation BEACH: Numbuh 2 and 5 were teasing Numbuh 4 about Numbuh 3, but perhaps they were teasing Numbuh 4 about his crush to turn the attention away from themselves? Hmmm?
  • Operation HOSPITAL: in the beginning, when Nigel told Numbuh 2 to team up with Numbuh 5, and Numbuh 4 to team up with Numbuh 3, why didn't Nigel just say: "OK, Numbuhs 2 and 3, go that way! And Numbuhs 4 and 5--go THAT way!" Hmmm...? Kind of weird, right?
  • Operation RABBIT: Numbuh 2 and 5 were alone throughout most of this episode. Makes you wonder what the two lovebirds were up to when the camera cut to commercial? Hmmm....right?


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